
2b2tPlaYeR News


Template:Notice#REDIRECT Template:Useless2b2tPlaYeR News is a fitfag, meme and autism source, biased news outlet. Created by 5 year old, 2b2tPlAyErNeWs, has been posting "news" about his best friend Fit, and forgetting who Sato is. thumb|330x330px|The Epitome of Fitfaggery

Episode 1

In episode 1, 2b2tPlaYeR News

s talked about his best friend Fit and how he is a Spawn Mason. He also talks about his steams and the "anarchy 2b2t server anarchy minekwaft". Sato... Whats a sato again? I forgot. Alphacomputer is now a god. We must now bow down to alphacomputer because of 2b2tPlaYer News

2b2tPLaYer News also talked about not getting the future client because virus got installed onto computer but virus deleter (most likely Protegent 360) deleted virus.

In the end, Fit is strange. 

Episode 2

2b2tPlaYer News talks about how FitMC was apparently banned off of "tvteetee". He claims that FitMC hasn't played in a while despite making a "life stream" a day ago. His Xbox one friend, the single best source of 2b2t, has stated that he was banned. The kiddie mentioned that he wished that FitMC makes more "2bee2tee videoooos".Category:Meme

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